Sunday, February 9, 2014

February 9th, 2014

I'm pretty sure this  is day 40 of my 30 challenge on myself! :)

Fell on my butt last night due to the snow and trying to unload the van! Landed  on my right cheek. I'm pretty sure it's going to bruise. Still hurts this morning! Coffee is brewing. I need some of that! Lots of snow on the ground and I'm ready to just relax today!  But, we have both grandparents houses to go to and the kids are looking forward to that! Let's see how this works out today!

Breakfast was 3 fried eggs with salsa on top and of course my coffee... :)

Lunch I had just a little left over steak from Chris's steak tacos at Aztecs... Not much cuz I wasn't to hungry! 

Dinner was a salad with some chopped London broil on top!! Yummmmmm (and a glass of wine!!!)

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