Monday, October 1, 2018

Back at it ... again

Yup! Again..

I know I know I’ve said that a few times and I mean it this time.

Over the last 3 ish years we’ve had lots of ups and downs in our family life. I was diagnosis’s with uterine tumors, had a complete hysterectomy. My health was on the down side of things.

7 months ago we had a house fire and lots everything in the house including a few pets. We are in a new place now and loving it.

Last big thing was my daughter being diagnosed pre diabetic. That was the game changer. Now we have to change her eating habits to get her out of this ‘pre’ stage. It can be done and we will do it!

So what did I do? I’ll tell you. I sat down and wrote a meal plan for 2 weeks. I wrote down all the awesome snacks and breakfasts we can eat. The. I went shopping. 3 hours of shopping! Getting all the little containers for snacks and lunches. Getting her a new lunch box to take to school. Pinterest-ed smoothie recipes and lunch items. And I learned to tell her no to her all time favorite morning drink of A sugar filled, energy drink from our local coffee stand. That was tough.

I know how to meal plan. I know how to shop for the meal plan. I know how to eat right. I just needed a reason to do it again. I have my reason, I have my why!

I have joined up with Ellie to show her this can be done! Even though I know I need to go Paleo (it’s what works best for my metabolism), I’m converting Ellie to Primal. She loves the dairy and dairy by no means does anything to her system.

So here we go .... again!